Dota 2 17 de abril Patch - Análisis de Contenido

Dota 2 17 de abril Patch - Análisis de Contenido

Después de un día de fiesta programada en Hawai válvula están de vuelta en acción con Dota parche de esta semana 2 introduciendo uno de los nuevos héroes de Dota a la piscina, Skywrath Mago. Usted puede ver el changelog completo aquí .

Cambios Front End

Skywrath Mago

skywrath_mage Dragonus, el Skywrath Mago.

"Un mago de alto rango en la corte del Nido de Águilas Ghastly, Dragonus vive una existencia agitada. Jurado por nacimiento para proteger a quien se sienta en el nido de espinas, que odia la actual reina Skywrath con toda su alma. En su juventud, de alta cuna, que era un amigo y compañero de la mayor Skywrath princesa, Shendelzare, primero en la fila para el nido. La había amado con gusto y inquebrantable, pero sus estudios se espera, su mente volvió al aprendizaje arcano y el dominio de Skywrath brujería.

Obsesionado con asuntos etéreos, se perdió los signos mundanos de la traición cortesano que insinuaban un complot contra Shendelzare, y perdió la oportunidad de frustrarlo. Cuando el tribunal se vio sacudida por un golpe rápido y violento, al salir de sus estudios para descubrir su más antiguo y más querido amigo que se había perdido para él. El nido de espinas ya pertenecía a la hermana más joven despiadado Shendelzare y Dragonus no podía hacer nada. La magia del Mago Skywrath sólo sirve el protector jurado de la púa Skywrath, para actuar en contra de la jerarquía sería dejarlo incapacitado. Se aferra a su puesto, creyendo que era la mejor esperanza de un día restaurar su verdadero amor a su lugar que le corresponde. Mientras tanto, su secreto sólo se conoce a la diosa Scree'auk, cuya magia se transformó Shendelzare de una criatura física paralizado en una forma de realización de la energía pura venganza.

Mientras sueña con restaurar su amada reina a la Aguilera Ghastly, sueña aún más desesperadamente de restaurar Shendelzare a sí misma a una forma física totalmente curado. La duplicidad de su papel en la corte lo tortura, porque es una criatura noble y de buen corazón, pero la peor tortura de todo es la imagen del odio que Espíritu Vengativo debe tener en su corazón para él ".




Expresado por TJ Ramini (Timbersaw, Erizapúas).

"Desde el Nido de Águilas Ghastly puedo ver hasta los confines del mundo, y desde este punto de vista que declarar con absoluta certeza de que éste se encuentra en la bolsa!"

Modelo Disparos Viewer





En Disparos Juego










Nuevos Modelos de artículos dentro del juego

Tenemos algunos cambios a la gema en juego y el humo de los modelos de engaño y efectos de partículas.

Smoke of Deceit


Gem of True Sight

El modelo de juego y el icono de la Gema se ha actualizado con un nuevo efecto de partículas.

Nuevo Icono vs Old Icono


En el modelo del juego


Gem Eliminado

Válvula también probó una versión púrpura de la gema en uno de los parches de prueba anteriores pero se retiró antes de que el parche golpeó los servidores de juego.


Actualizaciones Modelo héroe

Una vez que tenemos uno de los modelos más antiguos héroes se están actualizando para que la calidad a la par con el resto de la piscina héroe.

Actualizar modelo de Riki Martin

Deslizador Comparación

Nuevo Modelo



Antiguo Modelo



Actualizaciones de animación Héroe

Tenemos una serie de nuevas animaciones en el parche de esta semana.

Animaciones de Huskar

Huskar tiene una animación loadout para sus nuevos Sacred Bones establecidos.


Animaciones de afeitar

Razor ahora tiene una animación para cuando teletransportarse.


Animaciones de Riki Martin

Nuevo modelo actualizado de Riki también tiene algunas nuevas animaciones, por su cortina de humo y la huelga de parpadeo.


Animaciones de francotirador

Francotirador tiene una animación de la victoria y una serie de nuevas animaciones para el próximo segundo mapa tutorial.


Animaciones Tutoriales:




Animaciones de Cazamareas

Cazamareas también tiene algunas nuevas animaciones para el próximo segundo mapa tutorial.


Nuevos Comerciantes de Trevi

Bill y Ben han llegado a su tienda local de la fuente con el fin de servirle a usted los mejores productos que se ofrecen.


Guardián fuente radiante



Guardián Fountain Dire



Nueva Liga Passes

Tenemos un gran grupo de nuevos pases liga.

AtoD 3

ATOD3 es la tercera edición de la única populares torneo Modo de Reverse-Capitán presentada por Peter "HamSandwich" Congdon. 12 equipos de Europa y las Américas batalla por parte de la bolsa de premios de $ 1.500. Mira las estrategias no convencionales como los equipos de batalla con los héroes menos frecuencia jugados.


E2Max L33T Campeonato

El Campeonato L33T E2Max inaugural (ELC) contará con una bolsa de premios de SGD13, 000 en efectivo. línea y calificadores LAN de mayo a julio, con la Gran Final del 7 de julio a las E2Max, Cineleisure, Singapur! ELC es presentado por Cathay, organizada por la Red Gaming Rapture, con el apoyo de e-Club y CM Storm.


AMD Dota2 Premier League

AMD, en colaboración con DotaTalk, orgullosamente le ofrece la AMD Premier League. El torneo cuenta con los mejores equipos SEA '™ s, ya que compiten por un premio total de $ 5,000. Dos meses de intensa acción serán comentadas por godz, LD, luminoso y Blaze en BeyondthesummitTV.


GEST Dota 2 - abril y mayo

El torneo E-sports Gigabyte es patrocinado por Gigabyte y auspiciada por DotaTalk. Los winneres de 8 Eliminatorias GMPGL de Asia Sur-Oriental, competirán uno contra el otro para otro premio en efectivo de $ 1500. Los ganadores se darán a continuación, competir contra los mejores equipos chinos para otros $ 1500.


Netolic Pro League 2 ª Edición

16 equipos, 8 de invitación directa y 8 de la fase de clasificación, competirán por $ 4000. El torneo contará con equipos como Orange, Zenith, Vici Gaming y MUFC. Comentario se proporciona en Inglés, Español y Portugués.


Actualizaciones de la interfaz de usuario

Tenemos algunas nuevas funcionalidades UI añadido en este parche junto con un icono de elemento actualizado.

Dashboard UI

Ahora tenemos una sección en la ficha de servicio que proporciona una lista de las repeticiones que haya descargado, incluyendo los datos de su partido, los jugadores, el modo de juego y lo grande la repetición es.


También puede eliminar las repeticiones directamente desde esta ficha.


Informe UI

El informe de la interfaz de usuario ha sido actualizado para condensar el abuso de texto / voz en una opción de informe.


Además, el sistema de reporte ha sido actualizado para soportar una categoría de informe para aumentar la claridad de la conducta específica detrás reportados.

También hay un sistema más estricto de las prohibiciones de comunicación para los jugadores abusivos. El sistema tiene en cuenta los informes, el comportamiento en el juego, y otros factores para determinar si la prohibición se justifica. Estas prohibiciones serán para los canales de comunicación de voz y de texto solamente, ya que no afectará los contactos, y no van a colocar jugadores en el grupo de baja prioridad. Las prohibiciones aumentan de acuerdo a la siguiente escala:

  • Primero Ban - 1 Día
  • Segundo Ban - 2 Días
  • Tercera (y posterior) Bans - 1 semana

También hay un tope máximo de cuatro presentaciones de informes por semana, sin embargo esto puede aumentar en el futuro como el sistema todavía está siendo ajustado.

Mensaje de error Chino

Con el reciente anuncio de que el Dota 2 beta china comenzará el 28 de abril, ahora tenemos un mensaje de inicio en chino que contiene el aviso de seguridad del juego.

Aviso de seguridad Gaming

Di no a los juegos inapropiados, decir no a la piratería

Manténgase seguro, no ser estafado

No te hagas demasiado, volverse adicto a los juegos es malo para usted

Administre su tiempo sabiamente, vivir una vida sana.


Los productos cosméticos Unreleased

Tenemos otro lote de productos cosméticos que aún no se han lanzado aparecen en los archivos, algunos de estos son los elementos más antiguos que han aparecido antes y no hay garantía de que estos elementos se añadirán al cliente en vivo.

Artículos de Dazzle



Artículos de Doom



Artículos `Enchantress



Artículos de Faceless Void


Artículos del Huskar



Artículos del Naga Siren



Artículos del Necrolyte


Artículos de Obsidian Destroyer





Artículos del Omniknight



Artículos Templar del Asesino


Artículos del Cazamareas



Artículos de Warlock



Golem de Warlock - Aduron




En juego





Tutorial mapas 2 Props



















Heroes Unreleased Actualizar

Tenemos una serie de cambios a los héroes inéditos en el parche de esta semana.


Héroe Icono


A efectos de juego






Viejo Titan

Hero Card Portrait




 [Spawning] Elder Titan! It is only right that I am cast into this world, for I had a hand in breaking it. The Great Symmetry lies shattered. I step at last onto the terrene plane. I was the hammer at the Founding. The Worldsmith wakes! From perfect unity, I come. The Five Founders, united again. Those from the Founding, united at last. [Battle Begins] On this alone of seven planes the final war is fought. What long ago I shattered must be rendered whole. The battle is joined, like the pieces of a broken world. We are Foundation. [First Blood] May this blood run deep to heal the world's wounds. You were the first to leave this plane [Move] Yes. Yes. Mm hm. Be it thus. Steadily. Comes the Titan. The Worldsmith wanders. Such and so. I will make things right. That would be best. This bodes well. By the Increate's will. Formed of the forge. As the Shaper wills. I stride the terrene plane. Forged of shattered forces. The Seven Planes tremble. I seek amends. Mm hm. [Attack] Attend! This way. A heavy blow. Shattered unity. Torn asunder! Face your fate. The shadow is cast. Forge ahead. Well wrought. It is my charge. Beware the Titan. The Increate's path. By the Increate. I hearken well. [Casting] I will not let this go. Sought and found. What is weak must break. Rout you out! Beware the Worldsmith. [Ancestral Spirit] A soul divided. My shadow soul. Soul of the broken world. The cloven soul. A cleaving comes upon me. Come, twin spirit. I summon the Titan soul. My broken soul goes forth. [Rejoined with the Ancestral Spirit] Ah. Yes. Bliss. Rejoined. Rejoined. [Echo Stomp] Echo stomp! Be stilled! Huh! By the power of the Increate! Shattered by the Increate! Shatter! Break! Stop! Stop! [Earth Splitter] Riven earth. The earth is sundered. Sunderstrike. Thus I sunder. The Titan strikes. Your unmaking. Shattered by the Titan. By the anger of the Increate. Fall where you stand. The Titan strikes. [Failure] What have I done now? A pitiable attempt. What have I wrought? [Level up] New strength to shoulder the burden of a broken world. My broken soul annealed. May symmetry be restored. Further Unity! The forge of creation burns hotter. By the strength of the Increate. In sight of symmetry. The Worldsmith is renewed. My elder soul's infused with youthful vigor. Ah, now that is much better. I haven't felt this way since the first making. Strong as a world new-formed. With new strength mended. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! [Killing a hero] Where were you when the world was young? I broke the world, did you think I could not break you? Your form needed tempering. You must learn respect for your elders. Death shadows us all. What was divided returns to unity. Your span was short indeed. Go and meet your shadow. You die on my forge. Your spirit, torn from your flesh. Go and find renewal at the Increate's hands. The Increate can uncreate. Against me, all warfare is asymmetric. So puny compared to a Titan. Hm ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho. Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh ho ho ho ho. Ha ha ha ha ha. [Killing a rival] I have reduced you to pulp. I remember when you were but a sapling. I spread ashes on the Lone Druid's grave. A dark matter is laid to rest. You forget your true nature, Earthshaker. Shaper of continents, you have forgotten me. The stone that lives is a stone that dies. Go rejoin the bedrock, Tiny. Across the Seven Planes, I have never seen your like. Return to Unity, old friend. A strong force you were, but no match for your Elder. Child of the Schism, Io returns to Unity. Rejoin your kin on the Fundamental plane. That which I divided, returns to Unity. So dies the spark of ancient suns. Born in the Schism, died in the forge. Return to the Fundamental plane. [Meeting an ally] Ride with me, oh Knight Fundamental. Chaos Knight, a strong force you are. Io, my old friend, we are far from your plane. Sing, Io, of what Schism hath wrought upon this world. Great age has dissolved the differences between us, Keeper. Greetings, Enigma, you and I have crossed many planes to fight this war. My name is Donte the Demon Killah, has a nice ring to it don't you think? Ah, Enigma, I haven't seen you since the Shattering. Walk with me, Treant, and we'll teach these fools to fear. Come, Druid, you are alone no more. We shall mold this fight to our advantage, Earthshaker. Tiny, the artisans knew not what they created in you. [Last Hitting] Ah, little one. Waste nothing. Mine. No trouble here. A small sleight. Nothing to it. Do not trouble a Titan. A small snuffing. Gold for my forge. A scrap of a soul. Soft mettle. For your elder. [Death] No! Failed again. Broken like the world. A soul divided can't endure. Tested and found wanting. Shattered on the anvil. My shadow follows me. I return to the Increate. Learn from my example. Shattered. My works are undone. The last Worldsmith dies. I should have retired ages ago. The Titan falls. The Shaper weeps. No! [Respawning through Aegis] Bloodied but not broken! [Respawning] The forge of creation casts me anew. Is this a new form or the same one of old? The Increate has granted me another chance. By the Five Pillars I am shaped again to life. I return and my shadow comes with me. To wholeness and healing and a world to remake. The fault was in the mold, not in the maker. I have had a dream of symmetries unbroken. I return from the Primordial plane. From the dream of perfect Unity I wake again to war. Here I walk to smith the world anew. Born anew, yet still I am an elder? I dreamt of a world where the Mad Moon still shone. [Rare] The Mad Moon rises unbroken above a fledgling world…but only in my dreams. [Purchasing] A fair trade. Worth every bit of coin. Now shall the battle turn. [Scepter] Ah, scepter! Scepter of the Titans! [Blink Dagger] Blink dagger. A blade for the ages. [Specific Items] Drum of Endurance. Assault Cuirass. Shiva's Guard. Black King Bar. Mekansm. Shadow Blade. Heaven's Halberd. Refresher. Veil of Discord. [Bottling a rune] Bottled. For the by and by. Wait till the world's a bit older. [Denying] Denied. No no. No. Not for you. Not so. The Titan says no. By the forge of creation. The Primordials will it. Better you run and hide. That belongs to your elder. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Hm ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha. Denied. [Calling Missing] Top is missing. Middle is missing. Bottom is missing. [Getting a: Common item] By the Shaper's will, what have we here? Moderate item] A grand gift from the Increate. Rare item] With such fine matter as this, I can remake the world. [Obtaining the Aegis of the Immortal] Immortality! Great unity is eternal. [Picking rune: Haste] Haste! Haste was my undoing, now it shall be theirs. Double damage] Double damage! Strike while the forge is hot. Regeneration] Regeneration! That the world might be mended. Illusion] Illusion! Fearful symmetries. Invisibility] Invisibility! None may see the deepest truth. [Attempting to cast a spell on cooldown] Not yet. Not yet. Not yet. I'm not ready. I'm not ready. I'm not ready. It's not time yet. It's not time yet. It's not time yet. [Attempting to cast a spell without enough mana] Out of mana! Out of mana! Not enough mana! No mana! No mana! No mana! Not enough mana! Not enough mana! Not enough mana! [Thanking] My gratitude. I am in your debt. Thank you. [Alerting under attack] I'm under attack! [Taunting] Never in all the world's making and remaking have I witnessed an outcome that was more unequivocally in the bag. [Shit/Crummy Wizard] Crummy wizard! Shitty wizard! [Losing] No! Defeated. The world comes crashing down again. The Great Symmetry lies shattered once more. Get off my lawn! [Winning] Yes! Victory! The weight of the world is lifted. Perfect Unity once more. You were right to put your faith in the Worldsmith. [Pain] Uh! Ah! Uh! Uh! Uh! Ah! Oh my aching bones. Ah! Nyuh! Uh! Uh ah! [Anger] Ehh. Mrruh. Mrruh. Grr. Ah! [Happy] Huh. Ah! Ah! Mm! Ah! Ah! [Laugh] Ha ha ha. Ah ha ha ha ha. Eh ha ha ha ha ha. Hah ha ha ha ha ha heh. [Grunting] Mmm. Mmph. Mmm. Mmph. Eh! Arh! Arh!
									[Spawning] Elder Titan! It is only right that I am cast into this world, for I had a hand in breaking it. The Great Symmetry lies shattered. I step at last onto the terrene plane. I was the hammer at the Founding. The Worldsmith wakes! From perfect unity, I come. The Five Founders, united again. Those from the Founding, united at last. [Battle Begins] On this alone of seven planes the final war is fought. What long ago I shattered must be rendered whole. The battle is joined, like the pieces of a broken world. We are Foundation. [First Blood] May this blood run deep to heal the world's wounds. You were the first to leave this plane [Move] Yes. Yes. Mm hm. Be it thus. Steadily. Comes the Titan. The Worldsmith wanders. Such and so. I will make things right. That would be best. This bodes well. By the Increate's will. Formed of the forge. As the Shaper wills. I stride the terrene plane. Forged of shattered forces. The Seven Planes tremble. I seek amends. Mm hm. [Attack] Attend! This way. A heavy blow. Shattered unity. Torn asunder! Face your fate. The shadow is cast. Forge ahead. Well wrought. It is my charge. Beware the Titan. The Increate's path. By the Increate. I hearken well. [Casting] I will not let this go. Sought and found. What is weak must break. Rout you out! Beware the Worldsmith. [Ancestral Spirit] A soul divided. My shadow soul. Soul of the broken world. The cloven soul. A cleaving comes upon me. Come, twin spirit. I summon the Titan soul. My broken soul goes forth. [Rejoined with the Ancestral Spirit] Ah. Yes. Bliss. Rejoined. Rejoined. [Echo Stomp] Echo stomp! Be stilled! Huh! By the power of the Increate! Shattered by the Increate! Shatter! Break! Stop! Stop! [Earth Splitter] Riven earth. The earth is sundered. Sunderstrike. Thus I sunder. The Titan strikes. Your unmaking. Shattered by the Titan. By the anger of the Increate. Fall where you stand. The Titan strikes. [Failure] What have I done now? A pitiable attempt. What have I wrought? [Level up] New strength to shoulder the burden of a broken world. My broken soul annealed. May symmetry be restored. Further Unity! The forge of creation burns hotter. By the strength of the Increate. In sight of symmetry. The Worldsmith is renewed. My elder soul's infused with youthful vigor. Ah, now that is much better. I haven't felt this way since the first making. Strong as a world new-formed. With new strength mended. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! [Killing a hero] Where were you when the world was young? I broke the world, did you think I could not break you? Your form needed tempering. You must learn respect for your elders. Death shadows us all. What was divided returns to unity. Your span was short indeed. Go and meet your shadow. You die on my forge. Your spirit, torn from your flesh. Go and find renewal at the Increate's hands. The Increate can uncreate. Against me, all warfare is asymmetric. So puny compared to a Titan. Hm ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho. Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh ho ho ho ho. Ha ha ha ha ha. [Killing a rival] I have reduced you to pulp. I remember when you were but a sapling. I spread ashes on the Lone Druid's grave. A dark matter is laid to rest. You forget your true nature, Earthshaker. Shaper of continents, you have forgotten me. The stone that lives is a stone that dies. Go rejoin the bedrock, Tiny. Across the Seven Planes, I have never seen your like. Return to Unity, old friend. A strong force you were, but no match for your Elder. Child of the Schism, Io returns to Unity. Rejoin your kin on the Fundamental plane. That which I divided, returns to Unity. So dies the spark of ancient suns. Born in the Schism, died in the forge. Return to the Fundamental plane. [Meeting an ally] Ride with me, oh Knight Fundamental. Chaos Knight, a strong force you are. Io, my old friend, we are far from your plane. Sing, Io, of what Schism hath wrought upon this world. Great age has dissolved the differences between us, Keeper. Greetings, Enigma, you and I have crossed many planes to fight this war. My name is Donte the Demon Killah, has a nice ring to it don't you think? Ah, Enigma, I haven't seen you since the Shattering. Walk with me, Treant, and we'll teach these fools to fear. Come, Druid, you are alone no more. We shall mold this fight to our advantage, Earthshaker. Tiny, the artisans knew not what they created in you. [Last Hitting] Ah, little one. Waste nothing. Mine. No trouble here. A small sleight. Nothing to it. Do not trouble a Titan. A small snuffing. Gold for my forge. A scrap of a soul. Soft mettle. For your elder. [Death] No! Failed again. Broken like the world. A soul divided can't endure. Tested and found wanting. Shattered on the anvil. My shadow follows me. I return to the Increate. Learn from my example. Shattered. My works are undone. The last Worldsmith dies. I should have retired ages ago. The Titan falls. The Shaper weeps. No! [Respawning through Aegis] Bloodied but not broken! [Respawning] The forge of creation casts me anew. Is this a new form or the same one of old? The Increate has granted me another chance. By the Five Pillars I am shaped again to life. I return and my shadow comes with me. To wholeness and healing and a world to remake. The fault was in the mold, not in the maker. I have had a dream of symmetries unbroken. I return from the Primordial plane. From the dream of perfect Unity I wake again to war. Here I walk to smith the world anew. Born anew, yet still I am an elder? I dreamt of a world where the Mad Moon still shone. [Rare] The Mad Moon rises unbroken above a fledgling world…but only in my dreams. [Purchasing] A fair trade. Worth every bit of coin. Now shall the battle turn. [Scepter] Ah, scepter! Scepter of the Titans! [Blink Dagger] Blink dagger. A blade for the ages. [Specific Items] Drum of Endurance. Assault Cuirass. Shiva's Guard. Black King Bar. Mekansm. Shadow Blade. Heaven's Halberd. Refresher. Veil of Discord. [Bottling a rune] Bottled. For the by and by. Wait till the world's a bit older. [Denying] Denied. No no. No. Not for you. Not so. The Titan says no. By the forge of creation. The Primordials will it. Better you run and hide. That belongs to your elder. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Hm ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha. Denied. [Calling Missing] Top is missing. Middle is missing. Bottom is missing. [Getting a: Common item] By the Shaper's will, what have we here? Moderate item] A grand gift from the Increate. Rare item] With such fine matter as this, I can remake the world. [Obtaining the Aegis of the Immortal] Immortality! Great unity is eternal. [Picking rune: Haste] Haste! Haste was my undoing, now it shall be theirs. Double damage] Double damage! Strike while the forge is hot. Regeneration] Regeneration! That the world might be mended. Illusion] Illusion! Fearful symmetries. Invisibility] Invisibility! None may see the deepest truth. [Attempting to cast a spell on cooldown] Not yet. Not yet. Not yet. I'm not ready. I'm not ready. I'm not ready. It's not time yet. It's not time yet. It's not time yet. [Attempting to cast a spell without enough mana] Out of mana! Out of mana! Not enough mana! No mana! No mana! No mana! Not enough mana! Not enough mana! Not enough mana! [Thanking] My gratitude. I am in your debt. Thank you. [Alerting under attack] I'm under attack! [Taunting] Never in all the world's making and remaking have I witnessed an outcome that was more unequivocally in the bag. [Shit/Crummy Wizard] Crummy wizard! Shitty wizard! [Losing] No! Defeated. The world comes crashing down again. The Great Symmetry lies shattered once more. Get off my lawn! [Winning] Yes! Victory! The weight of the world is lifted. Perfect Unity once more. You were right to put your faith in the Worldsmith. [Pain] Uh! Ah! Uh! Uh! Uh! Ah! Oh my aching bones. Ah! Nyuh! Uh! Uh ah! [Anger] Ehh. Mrruh. Mrruh. Grr. Ah! [Happy] Huh. Ah! Ah! Mm! Ah! Ah! [Laugh] Ha ha ha. Ah ha ha ha ha. Eh ha ha ha ha ha. Hah ha ha ha ha ha heh. [Grunting] Mmm. Mmph. Mmm. Mmph. Eh! Arh! Arh! 

A efectos de juego






Comandante de la Legión

A efectos de juego












Materiales de Comandante de la Legión





Partículas actualización

Las partículas de Elder Titan







Partículas Comandante de la Legión





Las predicciones para los próximos héroe

It was really hard to find a GIF that related to this hero.